After the tender of 15 passengervessels of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality,ÖZATA Shipyard received the tender of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality forthe construction of 4 passengervessels of 42 meters in length.
On fourpassenger vesselwith a capacity of 700 passengers, there will be apartitioned area suitable for the transportation of pets and a small shelter willbe suitable for disabled and baby stroller passage. The information contained inthe tender specification briefly states as follows: “This specification has beenprepared forthe purpose of an original project design and construction for amodern double-ended passenger boat suitable for the transportation ofpassengers. The working area of thevesselis; It will be in the Marmara Sea andmostly in the Bosphorus.
Thevessels will be 42 meters long and 9 meters wide. The newvessels will havea maximum speed of 13 knots and will have 500 seats indoors and 200 seatsoutdoors.